Friday 14 February 2020

Discover the Best Wine Region of Mendoza, Argentina

Some of the best wine in the world is produced in South America and if you are planning to sample them for yourself, consider visiting the Mendoza wine region in Argentina. Wines were first cultivated in this region in the late 16th century, and it eventually became the largest Latin American region in wine production in the 19th century during the wine boom.
About 70 percent of all Argentinian wines are produced in Mendoza from 371,000 acres of vineyards. Grapes easily thrive in the region due to the lack of precipitation, soil quality and thermal range. Moreover, this sunny region of Mendoza is thousands of feet above sea level, so vineyards enjoy more sunlight throughout the year.
Malbec is one of the popular grape varieties you will find in the Mendoza wine region, primarily because it fares well in hot and high altitudes. In addition to that, you will also find Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Tempranillo, which grow in Maipu, Uco Valley, and Lujan de Cuyo – the three main regions offer over 1,500 wineries for the wine enthusiasts.
The Maipu Valley is the region found south and east of the city of Mendoza. It is rich in history, and the easiest to visit and explore. A popular was to get around in the Mendoza wine region is by bicycle and you can usually visit most wineries in Maipu without a reservation. If you are looking for even more picturesque locations, include some of the wineries in Lujan de Cuyo and the Uco Valley in your itinerary.
Lujan de Cuyo is situated 40 minutes south of Mendoza by car. The region is characterized by its high altitude and sandy soils, which are perfect for growing the finest Malbecs in Argentina. You will also find Torrontes, Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon. Most wineries in this Mendoza wine region require a reservation before you visit, but you can easily get around with a tour, by bike or car.
Uco Valley is fairly young as a Mendoza wine region, but considered to be the best. Dedicate at least an entire day to explore and get to know it well. Don’t worry, as every inch of it is worthy discovering, being considered a wine paradise with breathtaking scenery.